Mental healthWellbeingPremiumBloss

Anxiety is the most commonly occurring mental health difficulty for children, young people and adults with around one in 6 children and young people aged 5-16 years experiencing an anxiety disorder. Common features of anxiety include tension, fear, worry, frustration, irritability, sadness and withdrawal. Different developmental stages bring their own fears and worries and expression of anxiety. Identifying early symptoms and learning simple management strategies are useful in reducing anxiety symptoms. If concerned about severe or prolonged anxiety symptoms, see your GP who can refer to a mental health professional. First steps to managing an anxiety disorder often include the use of strategies from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT). The Clear Fear app I have developed for stem4 includes a variety of CBT strategies that young people aged 11 years plus can use on their own to help manage anxiety symptoms (with parents with younger).

 I will be offering a webinar later this year on managing anxiety and anxiety disorders in children and young peopleÂ