
Hi, my name’s Alyssa Pemberton. I’m a lactation consultant and a holistic sleep coach. I work one-to-one with families, right from the end of their pregnancy, helping to educate them about breastfeeding to the early days, weeks and months of feeding their baby through the process of weaning and introducing solids. And then supporting them to make sure that their little ones are sleeping really well and dealing with a whole variety of sleep challenges right from newborns through to when their kiddos are about five years old.

I became really passionate about breastfeeding when I first trained as a midwife because I came across so many moms who were really struggling and this thing that they were told is natural and normal doesn’t come naturally to us when we’ve not necessarily had any exposure to it before -it is a bit of a learned skill. And I really love being able to support families through that and make breastfeeding an enjoyable experience rather than something stressful that they feel like they’ll just have a go out and they’re not expecting to be able to succeed at.

When I became a parent, I started to realize that once you’ve got through those breastfeeding challenges in the first few months, you then have all of the challenges of being a parent. And one thing that comes with that is usually not having much sleep. I realized with my own children, that if you had the right tools and techniques, and you understood enough about your child’s sleep, you could get them into really good sleep habits, right from the beginning. And you could actually make sure that you were getting a good night’s sleep and it didn’t have to be synonymous that being a parent meant being exhausted.

I really love working with families right through their parenting journey. Being able to have that continuity there and see them throughout the process and helping to support them to be the experts on their own baby, to feel empowered that they know what to do when these little bumps in the road come along and to feel like they can enjoy their baby and their child in those first few years. And it doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. You can find out more about me and how I can help on Bloss.