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Ask me anything during this 15-minute discovery Chat and Chai

Womb-hood in itself can be overwhelming enough, so the last thing I want to cause is confusion whilst you look for answers. My goal is to provide you with optimal self-care, so you feel empowered as a mother. Even if that means mothering the self! What are your health goals? Let's explore how Ayurveda can meet you where you are, together.Oh, and there's a little reward to treat you for taking the first step: the fee paid for this chat will be discounted from your first session with me.*As for the Chai (a tea beverage made with milk, water and a mixture of aromatic herbs and spices.)*... I know I can't serve you a frothy, fragrant and comforting IRL Chai over Zoom, but I do promise to share my favourite recipe for a homebrew with you well before we meet. Duration: 15-minute call | please drop me a message if you're calling in for Doula questions, as I will double our time for this call (at no extra cost to you).Â