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Let me introduce myself...

I'm Kate. I'm a mum of one and I'm a barrister specialising in family law - more particularly, anything to do with children!

What's the difference between a barrister and a solicitor I hear you ask? Many column-inches have been dedicated to this debate and I won't bore you with the academic differences. All you really need to know is that both family law solicitors and barristers are here to help you navigate your family disputes - be that divorce, arrangements for your children or protecting yourself/your child from an abusive partner. So that I don't offend anyone, I will stick to the 'official' line - the majority of a solicitor's work will take place outside of Court whereas a barrister will represent you in Court and we are often called upon to provide specialist advice in the areas in which we specialise. Think of us a bit like Consultants - Derek Shepherd from Grey's Anatomy if you will...

Usually barristers are instructed by solicitors as part of a legal 'team' but this can get expensive! More recently, specialist barristers are able to be engaged directly by you - the client - to provide early specialist advice and representation.

That all sounds great but what can you actually do for me? If you have a dispute, issue or concern about your relationship, your separation or your children I am here to guide and advise you. In addition to legal advice, I can provide practical, specialist and tailored advice based on my decade of experience, advise you about litigation tactics and represent you within Mediation or Court proceedings.

Check out my bio for more information about my specialist areas and what other people have to say about me!

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