
There are lots of wonderful recipes out there for baby purées and they are a perfect way to introduce your baby to the world of food and new flavours.

At the start of weaning, babies are practicing their eating, chewing and swallowing skills and may only eat tiny amounts at a time. This is completely normal and absolutely fine! But you may find you have lots of leftover purée and feel reluctant to throw it away.

What’s more, baby purée recipes will often make a big batch and you will soon find your freezer is brimming with weaning pots and ice cube trays full of purées!

All babies are different but if you start weaning at 6 months, you do want baby moving onto lumpier textures and finger foods fairly quickly (if you leave it too long then they may find it harder to cope with lumps).

Here are my top 3 ideas for using up any leftover purées…

These ideas are great for when you are moving onto the next stage of weaning, combining flavours, introducing textures and offering your little one finger foods.

Happy Weaning!

  1. Stir veg puree into cooked pasta and add some cheese (full fat cream cheese or grated cheddar)

2. Spread vegetable puree on toast (sweet potato, pumpkin or butternut squash work really well) with unsalted butter (you could also mix with some cream cheese for added protein)

3. Mix fruit puree with full fat Greek or natural yogurt for an easy pudding or stir into porridge with some smooth nut butter.