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Creating a family-friendly workplace for John Lewis & Partners
Access advice from qualified experts for anything related to family life. No appointment needed, no long waiting lists.
Connect directly with qualified, trusted experts for just £4.99 per month (subsidised by 50%) thanks to John Lewis. Free annual membership for a year for the first 100 John Lewis employees that join bloss.

Monthly Subscription

Bloss Premium Membership

£9.99 £4.99 monthly

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Annual Subscription

Bloss Premium Membership

£95.99 £0 annual

Where we can help

FertilityFertility PregnancyPregnancy ParentingParenting Sleep issuesSleep issues MenopauseMenopause NutritionNutrition
...and much more!

What is bloss?

With bloss you have access to...

200+ world-class experts
1-1 Video calls
Confidential help and support
Easy to use app for privacy at home
1000s of self help resources
Free access for 2 family members
A community of like-minded people

Expert advice at the touch of a button

200+ qualified and trusted experts 200+ qualified and trusted experts
200+ qualified and trusted experts
Over 200+ user-rated, world-class professionals are available to provide professional advice to help you through EVERY stage of your family life.
1000s of self help resources 1000s of self help resources
1000s of self help resources
You and your loved ones can access educational video classes, articles & webinars, as well as unlimited, confidential, expert advice.
The Clinic The Clinic
The Clinic
Just ask a question to receive instant expert advice at no extra charge. You can also connect with like-minded people.

World renowned, credible experts
Discover, access and interact with our professionals today for quick, trusted and personalised help

Join 27000+ members finding help with bloss
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26 Sep, 2023
Kicki Hansard
Kicki Hansard
29 Aug, 2023
Why Doulas Make a Difference
Thank you Daniel05.


What is bloss?
bloss is an app that offers a range of practical and emotional support to guide you and your family through life’s challenges. When you sign up to bloss, you will receive unlimited, confidential access and support 24/7 from the community and a range of over 200 qualified experts covering pregnancy, trying to conceive, planning for pregnancy, childbirth, parenting and beyond. Whether you use the in-app Q&A, one-to-one video calls and therapy sessions or if you choose to access 1000’s of tools and resources, bloss offers you support at the touch of a button.
How can bloss help you?
With The Clinic and thousands of experts available at the touch of a button, having access to bloss means you have the answers for anything that impacts you and your loved ones across fertility, pregnancy and parenthood. You can talk to like-minded people, read articles on a range of topics or connect directly with a professional who can provide you advice.
How much does a bloss membership cost?
For the first 100 registrations from John Lewis, access is free for a whole year. After that, access to bloss is only £4.99 per month or £95.99 per year. This is a discounted offer, subsidised by John Lewis Partners.
How does bloss help leaders and people managers?
Because job fulfilment starts at home - bloss is here to help. We understand that leaders and managers are often relied upon to provide advice and support. We know that sometimes it can be a lot of responsibility. Managers can’t be advisors, counsellors, nurses and friends all at the same time. bloss can be there for your teams to give leaders space to focus on their roles. Share bloss with your team to make sure they’ve got access to the support they need for any area of their family life. With access to experts and a community of people who care, bloss puts the power back into the hands of your teams.